career dentist

Summer Dental Care

Summer Smiles: Taking Care of Your Teeth in Hot Weather

The summer sun is shining on us, and it’s not only our skin that requires protection; our teeth do, too! With the siding temperatures, the summer season may bring many dental health problems, but don’t worry; we are there to help. So let’s get started to ensure your smile shines as brightly as the summer sun; wherever you are, Rochester […]

How to keep your child from getting cavities?

Parents frequently assume that their children get cavities as a result of poor brushing and flossing habits. To some extent, this is true, although few individuals are aware that tooth decay is a disease known as “dental caries.” It is caused by certain microorganisms, is easily passed down through families, and can last a lifetime. Sugars from juice, formula, or […]

dentist career

Why should you pursue a career in dentistry?

About dentist A dentist may identify the problems related to the patient’s mouth, teeth, and gums. After identifying problems, they start to treat them. They are extremely knowledgeable about extracting teeth, filling cavities, and fitting dentures. Some dentists choose to specialize in areas in their dentist career that ranges from treatment of serious oral issues and performing oral surgery. The […]